Digital Nomad Visa in Spain

At Immigration Services Spain we believe that attracting talent is one of our country’s strengths. We want to help you, as a digital nomad, settle in the Spanish Autonomous Community that you like the most and that your stay is pleasant and beneficial. We believe it is important that you can dedicate yourself to work without having to worry about having your papers in order, trust this process to us!

Visa to work remotely from Spain

immigration Services Spain - Nomada Digital

This visa is intended for foreigners who wish to work remotely for companies located outside Spain, using exclusively computer, telematic or telecommunication means.

In the case of employed activities, the foreigner may only provide services for companies located outside Spain.

In the case of self-employed activities, as a self-employed worker, the foreigner may carry out work for companies both in Spain and abroad, as long as the percentage of work for Spanish companies does not exceed 20% of their total activity.

To obtain this visa, it is necessary to have a graduate or postgraduate degree from a reputable educational institution, vocational training centre or business school, or to demonstrate at least three years of professional experience.

digital nomad visa in spain

1. Regulation

Chapter V bis (articles 74 bis and following) of Law 14/2013, supporting entrepreneurs and their internationalization, introduced by section nine of Additional Provision 5 of Law 28/2022, of December 21, promoting the ecosystem of emerging companies.

2. Who is it for?

Spanish law defines as digital nomads or international remote workers those who carry out work or professional activity remotely, exclusively through telematic means, for companies located outside Spanish territory.

In other words, it is aimed at individuals with non-EU citizenship who wish to reside in Spain to carry out work or professional activity using only computer, telematic, and telecommunication systems.

3. General requirements for the Digital Nomad visa in Spain

Both the visa and the authorization are applied for directly by the digital nomad, that is, the teleworker or professional who wants to remote work in Spain. However, certain requirements must be met regarding both the individual and the company for which the individual works or provides services.

In the case of carrying out work, it can only be done for companies located outside Spanish territory. If it is a professional activity (self-employed activity), work can be done for a company located in Spain as long as the percentage of that work does not exceed 20% of the total activity.

The visa or authorization is valid for working and residing throughout the national territory, including family members if they meet the age requirements set forth in labor regulations.

4. Requirements of the remote worker

  1. Not to be irregularly staying in Spanish territory.
  2. Being over 18 years old.
  3. Having no criminal record in Spain and in the countries where they have resided during the last five years prior to the application.
  4. Not being prohibited from entering Spain or being listed as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement to this effect.
  5. Having a degree or postgraduate qualification from universities, vocational training, and business schools of recognized prestige. If such qualification is not available, a minimum professional experience of three years must be demonstrated.
  6. Having a prior and continuous work or professional relationship of at least three months with one or more of the companies in the group for which teleworking is done.
  7. Having public or private health insurance contracted with an insurer authorized to operate in Spain (not necessary if there is no bilateral agreement with the country of origin and therefore, registration with the Spanish Social Security is required).
  8. Paying the fee for visa processing or authorization.
  9. Having financial resources for themselves and for accompanying family members.

5. Company requirements

  • Proof of real and continuous activity for at least one year of the foreign company or group of companies with which the worker has an employment or professional relationship.
  • Authorisation from the company regarding the possibility of working remotely from Spain, accrediting to this effect the job profile, terms and other conditions under which the professional activity is to be carried out remotely.
  • Document the worker’s social security coverage, including health coverage (if applicable).

6. Procedures to follow

Depending on where you are at the time of application (outside of Spain or legally in Spain), the permit you need to request to telework from Spain varies.

  1. If you are outside Spain, you must apply for the visa for international teleworking.
  2. If you are legally in Spain, you must apply for the authorisation of residence for international teleworkers.

7. Viability

The visa is valid for a period of 1 year.

Within sixty (60) calendar days before the expiry of the visa, if the teleworker is interested in continuing to reside in Spain, they may apply for the residence permit for international teleworkers, without the need to apply for a new visa and without requiring a previous minimum period of stay.

The authorisation is valid for a period of 3 years, unless requested for a shorter period.

The authorisation is renewable for periods of 2 years as long as the conditions that generated the right are maintained.

8. Family members

Your family members may accompany you when you travel and, at any time, they may apply, jointly or retrospectively, for authorisation or a visa. This condition applies to:

  • Spouse or unmarried partner
  • Children of the holder, or of the spouse or partner, minors or adults who, being economically dependent on the holder or his spouse or partner, have not constituted a family unit by themselves.
  • First-degree dependent ascendants of the holder or his or her spouse or partner

9. How to apply?

  • Visa: You can only process the visa in person, by going personally to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Spain in your country of residence.
  • Authorisation: If you are legally in Spain, you can process it online on the electronic platform of “Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos” (UGE-CE).

In this case, the foreign person or a representative with proper accreditation may submit the application.

10. Documentation for the visa and residence permit for Digital Nomads.

  • Certificate of criminal record 
  • Public or private health insurance arranged with an entity operating in Spain (not necessary if there is no bilateral agreement with the country of origin and, therefore, registration with the Spanish Social Security is required).
  • Graduate or postgraduate degree from universities, vocational training and business schools of recognised prestige. If this degree is not available, a letter of experience signed by the current or previous employer(s) proving a minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in functions similar to those of the position to be held. In the case of the exercise of regulated professions, the accreditation of the qualification must be accredited.
  • Last three pay slips with the company with which the teleworker has an employment relationship; in the case of being a professional and not a salaried worker, a similar document or certification from the company proving that the professional relationship is longer than 3 months.
  • Certification of the foreign company (e.g. by means of documentation issued by the corresponding Commercial Register) in accordance with the accreditation of a real and continuous activity of the company or group of companies for at least one year.
  • In the case of an employment relationship, letter from the foreign company, authorising the development of remote work from Spain and accrediting the job profile, salary to be received, terms and other conditions under which the professional activity will be carried out remotely.
  • In the case of a professional relationship, similar documentation that accredits the terms and conditions under which the professional activity is to be carried out at a distance.
  • In the case of an employment relationship, the employment contract or firm offer of employment must be provided.
  • In the case of an agreement with the Social Security between Spain and the issuing country, certificate of Social Security coverage, as well as a responsible declaration in which the commitment to comply, prior to the start of the work or professional activity, with the obligations in terms of social security is stated.
  • If there is no agreement with the Social Security between Spain and the issuing country or its issuance is not feasible, the registration of the foreign company with the Spanish Social Security and a document of commitment of the worker’s registration must be attached, in addition to the responsible declaration referred to above.

11. Specific to the visa

  • National (long-stay) visa application form
  • Identity document or passport
  • Proof of payment of the fees

12. Specific to the authorisation

  • Signed authorisation application form
  • Copy of complete passport or valid travel document (all pages)
  • Proof of payment of the fee

13. Resolution deadlines

  • The deadline for the resolution of the visa is 10 days.
  • The deadline for the resolution of the authorisation is 20 days.

Do you want to get your digital nomad visa to work remotely in Spain? Contact us right now to start your adventure as a digital nomad in one of the most vibrant destinations in Europe. Don’t waste any more time and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of!

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